CE&G is the geotechnical engineer for the City of Brentwood – Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion – Phase II project. The multi-year $70M project is intended to increase WWTP capacity from 5 MGD to 6.4 MGD to serve the anticipated final buildout population of Brentwood based upon the current City General Plan. During the investigation, CE&G identified liquefiable soils underlying the site and provided recommendations for mitigation of the hazard.
Keller as a subcontractor to Overaa is installing vibro replacement compaction stone columns (VRSC) and deep soil mixing (DSM) at the site as ground improvement to mitigate liquefiable soils as a portion of the work required for the treatment plant expansion project. In these photos, the VRSC work is nearing completion.
Keller recently completed installation of more than 1000 stone columns at Brentwood WWTP and is in the initial stage of DSM work which is anticipated to be completed in December 2020